The AMBER Confession of Faith
Standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, and following their example, we have agreed to uphold the following doctrinal statement as a basis for unity and theological vision for a new day.
Standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, and following their example, we have agreed to uphold the following doctrinal statement as a basis for unity and theological vision for a new day.
What does it mean for us to be “distinctly Baptist”? This document is a summary of historic Baptist principles, which we believe are deeply rooted in the Scriptures and thus represent the mind of Christ for the organization of his church.
Watch video from our May 2024 conference in Abbotsford, BC.
Part of what we wanted to do at The Implanted Word Conference was to expound on the classic attributes of Scripture and spend some time answering questions and applying these truths to life in the church and some of the… Read More »The Implanted Word Recap (Pt. 5)
We’ve said a lot already about the doctrine of Scripture. We’ve touched on the authority of Scripture, its necessity, and clarity and our hope is that you’ve come to see a bit more of what a precious treasure the word… Read More »The Implanted Word Recap (Pt. 4)
Throughout the centuries of the Christian church the text of Scripture has always functioned like the final court of appeal in the thick of disagreement. One clear text is like a beam of light that cuts through the fog of… Read More »The Implanted Word Recap (Pt. 3)
A couple of days ago we started into our recap of The Implanted Word Conference held in Calgary just prior to the CBWC Assembly. Our focus was on expounding and applying the four classical attributes of Scripture for the life… Read More »The Implanted Word Recap (Pt. 2)
What a wonderful blessing it’s been to join hands with a small group of like-minded pastors and churches. From the very beginning, AMBER has been fervently committed to praying for a renewal of a high view of Scripture. When the… Read More »The Implanted Word Recap (Pt. 1)